I am wolf{unoriginal}

[Ceremonial Ware]
Wolf Head Traditional goes on top of the wardrobe.
Image result for Wolf pelt




Armor Types
[Cyberware on the left ]
armor on right

[Wolf Training Doll]


[Laws to wolf]
Wolf Hq.



[Wolf Mech]

-Blind Angels-



Wolf Built a Mechsuit then became an Angel/Gaurdian/ Now hes a celestial Gaurdian and the earths his temple.

We'll build the planet straight up and straight down.  so the sword is at the feet and the head has the crest.

It should look like a dude in a mech then a mech in an angel, then an angel infront of a temple with a depth of field coming from other planets in alignment.

From Saturn/neptune we should be able to see the vertical ascension
Image result for solar system
Its supposed to be a sword and shield guy inside the face. from the nose to the chin.
explains the moon.

Image result for geodesic dome


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