catback and trikey

Image result for Traditional Japanese house

Catback and Trikey

turf wars

28 Vol.

Image result for Graphic novelImage result for Graphic novel

styles mix it upImage result for yellow wiffle ball batImage result for yellow wiffle ball bat

Image result for Italian girl with newsboy capImage result for girl with a french braid kid

Lulu hits the picture around age 7
Lulu runs this shit

With the Cordoroy Jumper Boys

Those are different missions.

There ages 5 to 9.

Thats the region map. So your going to have to use your imagination.

The Lot thats there wasn't there during that time it was a little wooded forest with like a small venue.  2 stories empty house/building/warehouse type thing.  Thats where they take missions.
Image result for 2 floor warehouse small

places in red is Catback and  Trikeys missions

Lulus Mission are in black and then theres Lulus story. So you switch.

there use to be more woods in that area. It wasn't like that at all when  we were kids.

The other warehouse was a loft 2 floor. With a 3 truck parking 1 a class 2 b class. The exterior lot could fit 16 box trucks or 5 A class horizontal facing gate.
Image result for truck warehouse

Turf Other section

Image result for t1-11 sidingImage result for japan house with garageImage result for t1-11 siding
 it was in cherry alley
Image result for kids keendoImage result for kids keendoImage result for kids keendoImage result for kid sparringImage result for kid sparring

There was other houses and woods.

There use to be a Traditional Japanese House with a garage in the alley.
and there was an Old Abandoned Building

Most of the left was woods. Theres the warehouses down on the bottom left.
Alley houses on each end. Theres a warehouse down by the end there also.  Right where the bridge is. Theres also a waterfall before the bridge.

Most of that shit was woods. Leave only a few houses. The district with the Warehouses
It was like a small Industrial Block. With alleys and woods. With a waterfall then.

then i want you to change all the exteriors of the brick buildings here also. but real world. Match it to the area. Theres just like tons of brick buildings. We can upgrade the exterior and the dude said hes tired of the shit.So We'll take it and make it self Sustainable.  Upgrade the strip. 


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Im here for Catback and Trikey

Image result for Mini robot kids mech suitRelated imageImage result for Box truck
Image result for SD gundam


The whole first 5 hours are just Scenarios in Cardboard.
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Image result for military obstacle courseImage result for Giant rock climbing wallImage result for inflatable obstacle courseImage result for zip lineImage result for parachute training militaryImage result for parachute training militaryImage result for Giant rock climbing wall

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Image result for kid floaties with finsImage result for shark web hands glove swimmingImage result for inflatable obstacle course waterdon't forget the inflatable submarineRelated imageImage result for inflatable submarineImage result for inflatable submarineImage result for inflatable submarine
Image result for inflatable obstacle course waterImage result for tree top with ziplineImage result for space camp

Image result for cardboard gundam

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Image result for Kids in a cardboard boxImage result for Kids in a cardboard boxImage result for Kids in a cardboard boxImage result for Kids in a cardboard boxImage result for \ cardboard box spaceshipImage result for actual cardboard box city

after the funeral the game begins. 
Image result for funeral


Its already there. The templates the sqaure.

and i need this put into production for urban enviorments.. Im replacing the water towers.
The filters you wanna do hemtt removal? and are we doing 8-10 yrs?I wanna use the archimedes method to make a consistent hydromill for hydroelectricity.

========================================================================     Clean the lake  fix the park. Make an Inflatable storage. Make a section for the street sweepers storage. Fix the bridge. Fix the park. 
Establish a Park rail from the stations. 
Image result for sky rail

Image result for korean natural plantsImage result for yorkshire flower

Seasonal wild flowers and tundra flowers
Image result for hydrangea tree Hydrangea fence around the park Assorted colors
Image result for tatami plantImage result for WisteriaImage result for Dogwood treesImage result for Dogwood treesImage result for Dogwood treesImage result for Paver walkway
Dogwoods around the lake walkway. 
Little red bushes next to the wall.Teir flower wall. 
Image result for Little red BushImage result for bleeding heart

Image result for Stone swing Stone swing seat. Tori Gate. Not tori gate. Swing seats near the lake.
Related imageImage result for Stone gate Related image
Stone gate entrance. We'll figure out the styling, to present time.Just an image. 
Image result for walking stones in lakeImage result for Torigate in the lake
Just stone seat swing.
Image result for Garden lightsImage result for Garden lights

wrap it with LED then make the countries light up. Turn it into a solar pannelImage result for queens world fair structures Put solar pannels on these structures also. 
Image result for Shipping container storesImage result for Shipping container stores
We're going to have to setup a warehouse or parking location for the stores. Outlet. Stack the stores. Unstack. 



its an L

Lets upgrade the industrial and the back left warehouse Gate it. 

Its the house of 2 feathers.  and then pigs came.  Read like a native. itll make sense. 

. Lulus upgrading her turf. 

build a castle in Lulus Original Turf.
she has to sign a contract restoring the woods. 
She'll know which properties don't belong. 
We'll take Lulu into the Unit with us. 

Keep her with this and 2 feather.  Thats reasonable.
It use to be all woods. 
200 yr plan.  
Now we can pull a Granpa and make the Shogi Peice our Shit with the moat. Or we keep it to Lulu with the troubleshooting procedure revised and everything safe under Continental statutes.  It goes into the 200 yr plan either way. Its another Wood spot. 


Image result for opium liquid

Alright I got it Bonnie.

We'll build a 30 hour building build. Then mass produce a shit load.
Then deconstruct the building and we're out of the game.

You in?

3 weeks round the clock.  by week 4 buildings gone.

We'll use the Nypd cars.

Image result for Nypd 3 wheelerImage result for moped scooterImage result for carriage rides in central parkImage result for box trucksImage result for box trucksImage result for class a truckImage result for class a truckImage result for tankersImage result for tankersImage result for Silos

Then all we have to do is keep a small stock in some silos for street use and we can just box truck it and minivan the shippments out to small venues.

we'l send a tanker into cali

we'lll hit all five borrows and send a truck into albany and buffalo

we pull this job. Boom Infamy.

One Big One.

Image result for Silo Old GangsterImage result for Harleys

we got that harley dealership near by. Heard its got some bikes.

Once we download and empty the tankers we fill them full of cannabis.
repurpose the ones who stood and dry vaccum the qauntitie in rolled amounts.

Sell them in packs.

Image result for Cigar wrapsImage result for Cigar wraps

Anonymous distribution through the other Bosses and we straight.

Boom new netflix series.

Image result for cigarette casesImage result for cigarette cases

Image result for cigarette casesImage result for cigarette cases

the 60 day heist.

we're going to have to work in our Sake house afterward. You know. Lay low for a bit.
Send everyone else to the farms

Image result for shipping containers

Got this one road I can just close down. with some fields. >.>

Its just an energy drink manufacture and a paper distribution facility.

We just make paper and make energy drinks.
I don't see what the problem is.

We;ll just make Energy drinks in every major city and time it all at once.

so 17 cities

60 days.

Boat travel  collection.

boat travel takes 28 days.
in 60 days we decomission the boats.
building. Vehicles.

Throw everything into Recycling.

and we don't know what your talking about.

Image result for ingots

another 60 we should have all our material in ingot form.

Name the Film. Catbacks Last heist.

Image result for LocketImage result for Locket open

We'll film Catback and Trikey

Trikey "Dies"

Catbacks standing at the docks watching all the boats leave. Opens locket. Trikey in the photo. Throws it into the ocean. lights a cigg. Camera zooms in on cigg. Puts his Newsboy hat on and gets on the Train from the yard.

Scene ends with him on the train looking out the window after getting a beer from the tram car in the back. Sits back in his seat. Pops his beer open.
Looks at the window with a big sigh.

Phone vibrates on the seat next to him.


We'll make it all cinematic and awesome. Perfect Lighting.

Box set.

Image result for pocket watch mechanical

The Xinoak War

Image result for Traditional Japanese houseImage result for Traditional Japanese houseImage result for Traditional Japanese houseImage result for Traditional Japanese houseImage result for Traditional Japanese houseImage result for Traditional Japanese house

Image result for Traditional Japanese houseImage result for pond l



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