Toy store

Alright we'll start the series off like this. 
Image result for Gi Joe figure casesImage result for barrel drumImage result for drum barrel truckImage result for drum barrel truckImage result for puffer fishImage result for Vacuum bagImage result for swimming maskImage result for swimming maskImage result for fragileImage result for Class a trailerImage result for clothing rack cleanersImage result for dragon ball z figures

Image result for the toy storeImage result for kohlsImage result for kohlsImage result for warehouseImage result for kc 390Image result for aircraft carrierImage result for fuel tanker shipImage result for fuel tanker ship

heard we had a bunch of volunteers already

Then we'll nuse the office designs with the keyboards and the chair. and we'll use the lounge.
when it comes time to film.
Image result for graphic novel


how we want the lighting

Image result for lighting photographyImage result for lighting photographyImage result for lighting photographyImage result for lighting photographyRelated imageRelated imageImage result for lighting photographyRelated imageRelated imageRelated imageRelated imageRelated imageImage result for city lightingImage result for city lightingImage result for city lightingImage result for city lighting


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