
Setting Puerto rico.

Image result for puerto ricoImage result for caribbean

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Human fused to allspark.  Genetic experimentation. Automaton function systems building through electrical pulse relay sequences. Ancient technology.
Image result for ventruvian manImage result for the allsparkImage result for fusion

 they fuse to some autamatons during the dragon festival in 1700s. Someone finds them in stasis on the mountain. The "Forbiden mountain"

Samurai Viking and aino and ainu. aina.

"The elders"
Setting ships

Human fighing style

 Ship transports for auttomatons in time period

 Mechs invasion

Present day bullshit=Image result for astro boy body transplant body transplant 21st century all spark weapons.

the accomplice after 300 years of study

Image result for transformerImage result for halo cryostasisImage result for tribal tattoos full bodyafter 300 years they found a way to attach the alspark to the tatoos. they can make it move like a wireless suit. 
=Image result for portugal fleetImage result for shipping ship fleet attack
Rio de los lobos
Image result for rio de los lobos where he became human again. "Coverup"Image result for rio de los lobos


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