Stone world

according to them once you apply the tool to there car your the kids father and shit in stone world. mean while it was a stupid job.  thats there logic. So thats why your shits fucked up. we solved that to.  Found the error in stone world.


Image result for Cement mixingImage result for Cement mixingImage result for laying stoneImage result for laying stoneImage result for laying stoneImage result for laying stoneImage result for laying stoneImage result for laying stoneImage result for laying stoneImage result for building stone houseImage result for building stone house

The secret of stone world

Image result for freemason symbol

The secret was never a secret
Most never knew what it was.

Freedom was a truce between traditional and affiliation students to avoid bloodsheds during tribunals.

The adopted mentalities further ensued with religious prioritization and mindful behavior based off behavior descendency and edicate and craft

but as all good things come to an end, so do the lessons that go with them......


Image result for anarchy symbol

Devils Sigil
Image result for devils sigil

Image result for archangel sigils

I am Free

Image result for Freedom

I already did it. You have to go through facebook video. Its just projects and shit from everyone. Portfolios.
Credit. Respect
etc etc etc.

That was 08-15.

You'll have everything.

We'll need this one in spanish also.


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