Foreign Land

The vendors
Cocoa bean street performers.
Instruments made from the bean casing.

The choco let song
Choco LEIIIIII choco LEIIIIIIII choco lei choco lei choco lei
choco choco choco choco ley choco choco choco ley

Pir Aguas song

Pir Aguas x3
Montate con yellow x 4 high low
flavor announcement

ice cart made from crystal qaurtz. salinity mixture makes the ice acts like cooler. with alchemy.
 Image result for crystal quartz box

They sell Sugar cane, and coconuts, cocoa.

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Image result for crescent sword

Image result for hook spear

Image result for Shark vendor stallShark and Mantaray

Image result for salmon fishImage result for trout fishImage result for manta ray  vendor stall

Okay so we'll do this.  for the foreign land characters as vendors.

The characters clothing is the ones from facebook for the enviroment to the population and the beggining of the episodes.

and lets open up a small fishery on the island.

The fishing vessels are also done.  aswell as the sea trade.
we can build the comic now.

We're going to need one like the maru.

Related image

Storyline map


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