Latin King

Protecting the Ancients
Shrouded in lies and trickery
The trickster
Jinx Loki himself

His army of traitors and liars to protect an ancient source of technology and the kingdom of heavens Rio De Los Lobos.

The River Wolves

Image result for Delaware river

So they solved it, and its still coming from the appalachian

Their tracking the old technology.
Its interfearing, their leaving ancient symbols.
Which is just math so relax.

 Image result for appalachian trail

The descendants left the trail for the route. The systems are still colliding from the old tech.

Image result for black and yellow bandannaImage result for black and yellow bandanna

Image result for Joker mask carnivalImage result for Joker mask carnivalImage result for Joker mask carnivalImage result for Joker mask carnival

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sun satellite
Saturn satellite

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Atleast I know why they wanted the ships.
Makes sense now.

Make a game.

 There not Latin King. There River wolves. The descendants are a lpoyal armada to the Latin king. The Kingdom of heaven. Sworn to protect the Tech here in this region.
There River Wolves in English.

Rio De Los Lobos.

Shits fucked up. Everythings way beyond what it use to be. This is where the Kingdom of heavens descendants went.

We found the Wolves.

We found the all the Architecture.

They left it in Geosync and our Old troubleshooting procedures. Not everyone sees it this way, but they mapped out everything. Mostly everything.

Image result for Devils star

That means Illuminati was the next generation of disciples that covered the ancient orders tech and location. So we're where we're supposed to be in Human plans. The culture and societal image is nothing of what they use to be.

Different times.

They preserved everything. So we're still on track with duties.

explains a lot now.

Kinda proud, kinda disheartened. Kinda Neutral.

As a Historical person, Im proud that the loyalty through generational teachings maintained this firm grip on the information. It shows preservation and duty and responsibility.

Disheartened because the mentality from that period is nowhere near the same.  Neutral because I have to be.

explains this
and why the required me a ship.
Image result for Yellow and black camoImage result for naval shipsImage result for aircraft carriers

Cool now theres just cult classic for video games after this.

You know where our soldiers are now....

Sorry their silkroad. I didn't know thats where they went. I wasn't reading the map like that.

but I have our Armor for This section.

Sorry again.

we'll make them do things like this and we can open up the crescent stuff here.

and fix the Wolves up.
if its possible, but we can try.

we'll make the game boxes make images in box set.
Image result for vhs box set

Apache is the desert wolves.

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Well we got everything in these regions if we open it up. Textile, Masonry, Celestial ordiance. Medical
etc etc etc.

and nobody would bullshit in martial studies.
I mean they joke because of the american dub overs, but the actual thing is very disciplined. So don't be fooled by the stereotypes.

Mass produce the armor.

and we'll keep the robots. Don't listen to the idiots. There not dis-educated or irresponsible.
Image result for Suidobashi

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Image result for abstergo

Image result for abstergo

I can have shaolin temples here with them, without some stupid shit poppin off.


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