
The Noose is Horseback Archery and Spear
The water is the underwater training grounds
The Dragon is Cu rent training for boats.

Big giant wall. Walkways. Castles at the top. Not castle.
Pawn is the entrance.
The flying saucer is the Archery field.

Pagoda forest is the Com towers for the region and field energy shield barrier. Active camo
Ghost come out when you get close.
The entire enviorment is sirens and poltergeist. before you can ever enter.
Image result for shaolin temple pagoda forest

Inside is the City
an the old village to the Lord.

Armor for the men. Main character.

Image result for mechanical horses


Image result for naval ships present day


Image result for future armor archerImage result for future armor archer
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Town outfits everyone else.

Modes of transportation

Image result for HovercraftsImage result for HovercraftsImage result for Hovercrafts

Its a dirtboard
Image result for standing hovercraftImage result for skateboard dirt

There hoverwheels. Glide over shit

Image result for rollerblade giant wheelImage result for rollerblade giant wheel

Hoverctacraft shoes help you on water.
Don't forget the hovercraft shoes. You walk on water


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